[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. April 16

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Apr 16 10:06:46 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Wasn't yesterday great?  I'm hoping for the same again today, but 
tomorrow the forecast looks pretty damp.  It may rain on the Green Frog 
Festival, (but hey, frogs love water!)   Then Saturday we're going to 
keep our fingers crossed that any wet weather goes around us and doesn't 
rain on our EOSC picnic.   (At least it's not supposed to snow this time!)

Speaking of liking water, I was totally surprised the other night to see 
a beaver down the hill from our house.  We had some down there a few 
years ago and they would industriously build their little dam and dam up 
the little creek that goes under the low water bridge at the foot of the 
hill below our house.  Then it would rain and some neighbors upstream 
would complain that their back yard got flooded, and here would come the 
county workers with their backhoe, etc., (weapons of mass destruction), 
and tear up all the beaver's hard work.  We went through this cycle a 
few times, and then the beavers either got killed, or relocated or just 
gave up in disgust, but now it looks like we've got one back in 
residence.  I enjoy watching their constructions going up and 
occasionally seeing them swimming or walking around down there, but of 
course it's not my back yard getting flooded.   Maybe we can get the 
county guys to dig a deeper hole for the water to go into rather than 
having it back up into someone's yard.  Then the poor beavers could be 
left in peace.  Think about it.  Those backhoes are to them about like a 
tornado or a Hurricane Katrina to humans.  They lose everything and have 
to start all over from scratch. 

You Biggest Loser participants, don't forget to weigh in today.  It's 
not raining, so you won't get wet this week.  We're getting down to the 
home stretch on this thing so get over there and see if you've made any 

Our menu for today includes:
             Roast beef
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Baby carrots
             Green beans
             Brussels sprouts
             Deli selections (ham and turkey)
             Hot rolls

And for dessert, try some yummy Bread Pudding.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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