[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Feb. 11

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Feb 11 10:10:56 CST 2009

Hi folks,

We pretty much lucked out last night that the worst of the big storm 
system that came through didn't hit us as hard as it did some places.  
I've lived around here all my life and I guess I'm pretty used to the 
threat of tornadoes and bad weather, (even though I've never actually 
seen a tornado except on television.)  Sadly, that's probably the kind 
of  thinking that causes people not to take the warnings seriously and 
head for cover.  The fatalities that occurred in other parts of the 
state during last night's storms could probably have been prevented if 
people had only taken cover.

Our biggest loser competition has been going almost a week now, and I 
was thwarted in my efforts to lose weight by donating blood yesterday.  
It seems I don't have enough iron in my blood, (so maybe it wouldn't 
have lost me all that much weight after all.)  I haven't felt like 
exercising this week and the way I feel today, I feel like I ought to 
just go home, take some cold medicine, get in bed and hibernate.  
Usually when I don't feel good, I don't eat.  It's not a diet I'd 
recommend, but there are days when that's just all you can do.

The bond issue passed yesterday to provide money to build a new 
gym/multipurpose building for Wilburton High School.  It's encouraging 
that even with the economy in the sad state that it's in, we do still 
have enough people who believe in Wilburton's future to be willing to 
vote for progress for our town and our children.

Don't forget to come out for our special Valentine's Day Dinner this 
evening.  Your sweetheart will love you for it!

Our menu for lunch today includes:
                 Roast beef
                Mashed potatoes and gravy
                Green beans
                Vegetable blend
                Baked potato bar
And for dessert you have a  choice of either Chocolate Bread Pudding or 
Cherry Chocolate Chip Cake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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