[Eoscstudents] Menu for Thurs. Feb. 19

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Thu Feb 19 10:13:14 CST 2009

Hi folks,

We had sad news in the Cafeteria this morning, learning that Mildred 
Whisenhunt's son,  Donnie Dobson,  had passed away last night.   We will 
pass along news of the arrangements as soon as we find out anything.  In 
the meantime, please keep Mildred and her family in your prayers. 

Yesterday's warm sunshine prompted the daffodils in my yard to spring 
into bloom.  I noticed several of their beautiful yellow blooms this 
morning when I was rushing to the car to come to work.  Unfortunately 
they were on the other side of the fence and I didn't have time to go 
around and pick any to bring with me.  It's always so encouraging this 
time of year to start seeing the first few promises of the spring to 
come.   I just hope my silly ducks don't decide they look tasty before I 
get back home again.

Don't forget today's Biggest Loser weigh-in.  I noticed several people 
were off to a great start last week with a loss of several pounds to 
their credit.  I'm looking forward to warmer weather and more daylight 
so that I can get out and walk and enjoy the outdoors, which should help 
me shed some pounds.  I noticed a magazine in the grocery store the 
other day with a headline "Walk off Weight in 15 Minutes".   That 
sounded pretty good so I got it.  They lost me right away though, when I 
looked at the article and it said run so many minutes, then walk so many 
minutes.  I have asthma (and short legs), so I don't do running.  Anyway 
I'd have to be scared absolutely spitless (and then I'd probably just 
freeze up) or something has to be on fire for me to actually break into 
a run.  Walking I can manage.  And there are lots of good places to walk 
around here.  We have a track here on campus that can be used, or 
there's the track at the high school or the walking track at the Gary 
Rosebure park across from the rodeo grounds.  There are also some lovely 
nature trails out at Robber's Cave State Park, (my personal favorites), 
that let you exercise and enjoy the natural surroundings at the same time. 

Tonight is opening night for "The Lonestar Love Potion" here in Mitchell 
Auditorium at 7:30.  Be sure and plan on attending either tonight, 
tomorrow night or Saturday night.  Melissa Heath-Lee have put a lot of 
work into this, along with blood, sweat and tears, I'm sure, to provide 
wonderful entertainment for Eastern and the surrounding area to enjoy.  
Please come and bring a friend.  You'll be glad you did.   It's free for 
all EOSC students and employees and at $3 a ticket it's cheaper than a 
movie for everyone else, and has the added benefit of being a live 
performance, where you can actually see and talk to the performers after 
the show. 

Our menu for today includes:
             Chicken strips
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Green beans
             Mixed vegetables
             Chili dogs
             French fries
             Hot rolls

And for dessert have some luscious Strawberry Shortcake.

Have a great day,

Rhoda    :-)
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