[Eoscstudents] WebCT Is now up!

Jeff Weems jweems at eosc.edu
Wed Jan 14 16:39:56 CST 2009

  Attn: Students Enrolled in On-Line courses using WebCT

The new version of WebCT is now up and running!  Please note the 
following changes:

    * Your username for WebCT is now the same as your WebAdvisor
      username.  Please visit our website to determine your new
      username. http://www.eosc.edu/academic/webct/webct.html
    * Your WebCT password is the last 4 digits of your SSN.
    * If you have bookmarked WebCT in your Favorites, this will not
      work, you must go to Eastern's website, click on the WebCT link
      then re-bookmark the new WebCT. 

Please remember all WebCT usernames have been changed since last 
semester, you must look up your new username.

Thank you for your patience while we were making the conversion between 
old and new WebCT.

Jeff Weems
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