[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. July 13

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jul 13 10:05:00 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

Hope you had a great weekend, and managed to stay cool.  I know that was 
a challenge with this 100 degree + weather we've had lately and are 
supposed to have for a few more days.  (Just for the record, I voted 
against it, but it doesn't seem to have helped.)  I find it really helps 
to keep the house cool if you close the blinds, etc. during the day to 
keep the sun from shining in and warming things up, then at night it's 
not too hot to open a window and let the somewhat cooler air in. 

We traded the minpin we were fostering for a different foster dog, as 
Penny was just too much for me.  She could almost drag me around, and I 
was afraid she would catch me off guard and really take me for a ride 
sometime.  The dog we are fostering now is a little female, black and 
white shih-tsu named Chance, who was rescued from the pound, and seems 
to be almost if not totally blind.  In spite of that, she's still a 
happy, pretty little thing, with a good disposition.   She's still 
learning the layout of the house, and of course, bumping into a few 
things, but she knows to proceed slowly so she doesn't hit hard, and she 
follows the sound of my footsteps from place to place when I leave the 

Please be patient with us this week.  It's time for the big move and 
according to Rudy's schedule, we'll be transitioning over to the new 
building during the next few days.  We will still be serving every meal 
on schedule, but the menus will be simplified as we may have to do 
without some of our equipment as it is moved to the new building. 

Lots of Happy Birthday wishes go out today to several members of our 
EOSC family.    In alphabetical order, (not age order, I wasn't going to 
touch that), celebrating their big day today are Betty Eason,  Debbie 
Layton, Jeanne' Sutton and new mom Kristen Turner.  What a party they 
could all have together! 

Our menu for today includes:
                 Spaghetti with meatballs
                 Garlic bread sticks
                 Shrimp poppers
                 Crispy cube potatoes
                 California blend vegetables
And for dessert have a Chocolate/Chocolate Chip Nutty Brownie.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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