[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. March 24

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Mar 24 09:44:20 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

I can't keep up with this weather.   We've had plenty of March winds and 
now they seem to have blown in some early April showers.  I saw people 
flying kites this past weekend, but it was so windy that they kept 
crashing instead of flying.  All you allergy sufferers better grab your 
tissues, I've noticed there's starting to be plenty of pollen sticking 
to things, like my car.  Speaking of which, when I was driving home 
yesterday, I noticed a movement on my windshield.  You know, one of 
those out of focus things that you're not really looking at but it's 
right in front of your face so you can't help but notice it.  I focused 
in on the cause and realized it was a tiny baby praying mantis trekking 
across the inside of my windshield!  As small as it was, about 1/4" I 
realized it must've just hatched out, which caused me to wonder how in 
the world it had gotten into my car...unless it had hatched out in 
there.  My next thought concerned the fact that I don't think praying 
mantises don't hatch out singly.  There's an egg case with gazillions of 
eggs left to hatch wherever the mother chooses to leave it, which in 
this case must've been somewhere in my car.  Then I started looking 
around for more, which did not help my driving any at all, and noticed 3 
or 4 more way up at the top of my windshield.  I know praying mantises 
are "good bugs" but I really wasn't all that thrilled to be sharing my 
car ride home with a herd of them, all clinging upside down to my 
windshield and looking at me with their little alien looking faces.  
When I got home and actually had time to look, I found about two dozen 
of the little critters all clinging to my car windows, mostly on the 
passenger side, thank goodness!  I tried to slide a piece of paper under 
some of them and relocate them to a shrub in my yard, but there are 
still plenty left that I couldn't reach, so if anyone needs some of the 
little beasties to relocate to your garden to eat pests, I can 
definitely hook you up.   Please, anyone?  I still feel like they're 
crawling on me!

Our menu for today includes:
          Salisbury steak
          Mashed potatoes and gravy
          Montego blend vegetables
          Zucchini and tomatoes
          Macaroni and cheese
          French fries
          Hot rolls

And for dessert, have a piece of Chocolate Coconut Pie.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)
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