[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. March 25

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Mar 25 10:15:26 CDT 2009

Hi folks,

I noticed the other day that they have put down new blacktop in front of 
Choctaw Hall.  I think that's a good sign that we're making progress on 
our construction project! 

Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Vice-President Karen Harrison, and 
to catch up, belated wishes go out to Kathy Howe, Billye Givens and 
Darren Schoggins.  They've all celebrated their big day within the past 
week or so, and I'm just now catching up to mentioning it.  Of course, 
Spring Break threw me off, but I really don't mind at all.  I'd take 
another Spring Break if I could get it.

I'm starting to worry that we may be having our picnic in the snow this 
Saturday, but don't let that discourage you.   Just bundle up and come 
on out.  We'll have some fires going and we'll have lots of food, games 
and plenty of cool door prizes to win, along with a chance to visit with 
each other away from work.  Bring your real family and come visit with 
your Eastern family!

And remember tomorrow the Horticulture Dept. will be having a plant sale 
in the Greenhouse from 1:00 to 4:00.  They will have Alyssum, Impatiens, 
Coleus, Periwinkles, Verbena, Millions Bells, those wonderful Wave 
Petunias and Lantana for sale.  (FYI:  I don't know about the other 
kinds, but deer won't eat Lantana.)   Then Friday, they will be having a 
sale downtown in front of Fern's starting at 10:00 a.m.  I'm told that 
they will have some veggie plants available at a later sale.  I guess 
they're not ready yet and you can't rush Mother Nature you know.

Our menu for today includes:
             Indian tacos
             Pinto beans
             Crispy cube potatoes
             Turnip greens
             Spanish rice
             Hot wings

And for dessert Peach Cobbler.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

P. S.  In case you were wondering about the Chocolate Coconut Pie 
yesterday,  it was supposed to have been Chocolate OR Coconut pie.  I 
somehow missed that tiny but significant word.  I did tell Drexel though 
that now that we've named it, she'd have to invent it. 


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