[Eoscstudents] Graduation and Transfer

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Mon Sep 21 14:28:24 CDT 2009

If you are a participant in Student Support Services and are planning to 
graduate or transfer this semester, please fill out a graduate 
application.  For Eastern to continue being funded for the Student 
Support Services grant, there are certain objectives that we have to 
reach each year.   One of them is to graduate our participants with a 
degree and transfer them to 4 yr programs.  Even if you don't want to 
walk at graduation, you should apply for your degree.  This helps you 
and it helps us, too.  If you have the hours, look at it like this--you 
have worked for it, you deserve it!

In the past, we could count students who transfer without graduation, 
but the Reauthorization of the Higher Ed Act changed the objectives for 
graduation and transfer.  This time, we need your help.

Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services

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