[Eoscstudents] Grant Aid Scholarship

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Tue Apr 20 11:16:16 CDT 2010

We have completed selection for the Grant Aid Scholarship for this 
semester from Student Support Services.  Those students who applied will 
receive notice within the next few days through the mail if they will 
receive the scholarship, or not.  If you would like, you may call me at 

We are awarding $30,624 this semester.  Last semester we awarded $22,655 
for a total of $53,279.  The Department of Education gave us a little 
more than $20,000 extra this year as a one-time increase to be set aside 
for disbursement as grant aid. There were a total of 29 students who 
qualified for the grant this semester, and 12 students last year.

Our students are the best!  We appreciate that they use our services, 
and always come through in a crunch.

Thank you,
Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services

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