[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mountaineer Monday Feb. 22 No Grill Today

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Feb 22 09:27:48 CST 2010

Hi Mountaineers!

As most of you are aware, it's Mountaineer Monday, so be ready for an 
invasion of potential future Mountaineers on campus today!  No telling 
where they may turn up!  This visit may help a lot of them decide 
whether they want to become Mountaineers or not, so be sure and give 
them a wonderful Eastern welcome, answer their questions and help them 
in any way you can.  Let them know we're here to help them, their 
concerns are important, and we'd be glad to have them decide to start 
their college education here with us.   Their tomorrow can begin here at 
Eastern, close to home and more like family!

Due to the sheer numbers of people expected on campus today, we will be 
unable to operate the Grill.  We will however, have hamburgers and 
french fries on our main line, along with pizza, so all you burger fans 
won't have to do without.

Our menu for this Mountaineer Monday includes:
             French fries
             Baked beans
And for dessert have a yummy Brownie!

Have a great Mountaineer Monday everyone,

Rhoda   :-)
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