[Eoscstudents] Food Drive

Sue Lovett slovett at eosc.edu
Tue Jan 26 15:55:37 CST 2010

I would like to remind you that Student Support Services is asking the 
assistance of the Eastern community in collecting canned goods and non 
perishable items for their TRiO Day community service project.  In these 
tough economic times, even one can from everyone would be such a help!  
There are so many people who are having a rough time and need just a 
small bit of help.

You will see the collection boxes on the 1st floor of your building.  
There is a collection box at the McAlester Campus also. Thank you so 
much in advance for your help.  The deadline for making donations is 
Feb. 16.  We will be taking Student Support Services participants and 
the collected food to the Capitol in Oklahoma City on February 17.  Any 
participant who would like to attend may contact June Haynes at 
918-465-1822 or me at 1823.  We will be taking the new bus, so it should 
be a comfortable ride!

Sue Lovett, Director
Student Support Services
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