[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. Jan. 27

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jan 27 10:03:06 CST 2010

Hi folks,

Better batten down the hatches!  It sounds like another big ice storm 
may be headed our way.  Just when we thought the worst was probably 
over...  Mildred has been threatening to have the Cafeteria crew stay in 
a dorm to make sure someone will be here to cook for the students, and 
in an emergency situation like this, there's always the chance of having 
PSO and Kiamichi Electric crews to feed as well.  I really hope it 
doesn't get that bad, but it's better to be ready for anything than 
caught unaware.  I remember the last big ice storm a few years back when 
the electric line crews came out in force, staying on campus and 
wherever they could, having breakfast and I believe dinner here in the 
Cafeteria, and taking box after box of sack lunches with them so they'd 
have something to eat while they were out repairing all the lines that 
had been damaged by ice, falling tree limbs, and whatever else Mother 
Nature could throw at them. 
Happy Birthday wishes go out today to Mark Hill of the Physical Plant.  
Hope he has a great day.  I'm sure he'd like it even better if he had 
the day off!

Our menu for today includes:
             Pork chops
             Mashed potatoes and gravy
             Pinto beans
             Fried okra
             Corn dogs
             French fries
And for dessert have a delicious Pecan Pie Square.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

P. S.  Don't forget to bring your pets in before the cold front gets 
here, and take precautions to protect your pipes from freezing!

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