[Eoscstudents] Menu for Mon. June 7

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Mon Jun 7 09:20:19 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

I am very pleasantly surprised that we have cloud cover today rather 
than the blazing heat we've been having.  What a relief!  I'm worse than 
a squirrel.  I not only want to hibernate in the winter when it's cold, 
I want to hibernate in the summer when it's hot, too!  Nights are really 
pleasant, though, except for the mosquitos, (and the doggone dark!) 

This was really yard sale weekend, with yard sales in every direction!  
Plus there seemed to be a big turnout at the Chuck Wagon Races.  That's 
the first I've heard of an event of that type.  Who knew there would be 
so many chuck wagons around, and people wanting to race them?  This 
could possibly become an annual event, bringing in lots of new people to 
our area.

I took my daughter to church camp yesterday which is always interesting 
because it's way out in the boonies and I get turned around easily.  As 
long as I have plenty of gas and room to turn around though I'm good.  
At least the next time I'll recognize what road NOT to go down!  To get 
to this camp, first you have to find Honobia, (home of the legendary 
Bigfoot), then it gets really interesting.  We somehow managed to find 
all the right little trails to turn down and got her there.  That was 
the easy part.  The hard part was coming back out the right way on my 
own.  I only took a wrong turn a couple of times, but eventually made it 
back to civilization without actually running into Bigfoot.   Wish me 
luck when I have to go get here again on Thursday!

We have both Gear Up and Upward Bound camps going on this week, so we've 
got a lot of new faces on campus.  Please do what you can to see that 
they have an enjoyable time with us, and they'll remember it when 
looking for a college to attend.

Our menu for today includes:
         Chicken Parmesan with angel hair pasta
          Catalina vegetables
          Baked potato bar
          Corn dogs
          Hot rolls
And for dessert, have a piece of Chocolate Cake.

And don't forget about our great Grill sandwiches!

Have a great week,

Rhoda  :-)
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