[Eoscstudents] Menu for Wed. June 23

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Wed Jun 23 09:26:39 CDT 2010

Hi folks,

What a strange day we had here in the Cafeteria yesterday!  We started 
out with the AC going full blast, then having to be shut off so a leak 
could be found.  That's when everything got warm, and the condensation 
began.  It was unbelievable how much water appeared on everything!  It 
looked like we'd had a flood.  We couldn't keep the floors dry, so had 
to put out "Wet Floor" signs everywhere and send out a warning to tread 
carefully when coming to our building.  My office actually got pretty 
warm, but I could still open file cabinet drawers and get a face full of 
cold air if I needed it, and I kept having to scoot a towel around on my 
floor to dry it off, over and over.  Fortunately, it didn't take them 
long to find the leak and get everything back to normal.  It took 
somewhat longer than that to get everything dried off, but that's okay.  
We seem to be back to normal today with the AC working and everything 
dry again.

If you're heading south of town anytime soon, please be careful of the 
construction zones.  There is loose gravel on the highway making driving 
more challenging than usual, so you'll need to slow down and watch out 
for that and the construction crews.  Speeding through a construction 
zone can get you a warning, a ticket, or if you're really unlucky a trip 
to the body shop or hospital, so be aware that this is going on and take 
it easy going through there.  

Reminder:  To place a grill order in the Cyber Cafe, call Ext. 878, or 
465-1878 from an off-campus line. 

Our menu for today includes:
          BBQ on a bun
          Baked beans
          Tater tots
          Fried okra
          Cole slaw
And for dessert, have a Brownie or Cookie.

Have a great day,

Rhoda   :-)

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