[Eoscstudents] Don't miss your chance to go to Europe this school year!

Steven Akins sakins at eosc.edu
Fri Sep 17 14:49:47 CDT 2010

I just wanted to mention to all faculty, staff and students that the Photography Club will be traveling to Europe again in May of this school year. The trip is open to ALL of the Eastern family including students, former students, faculty and staff (as well as family members of faculty, staff & students) so if you or someone you know are interested in going on the trip, please read the attached PDF file and then feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I will note that we will be limiting the total number of people traveling on this trip so get signed up EARLY!

This PDF file provides most of the information about our 8-day Educational trip to London & Paris departing from Dallas in middle May (after school is out).

Please feel free to email me or call me if you have any other questions or if you want to know about club fund-raising efforts. Our next club meeting will be at 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 29 in Baker 114 (the new Journalism Classroom).


Steven Akins, Photography Club Co-sponsor
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Ph:   918.465.1803

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