[Eoscstudents] Student Support Services' university transfer trips

June Haynes jhaynes at eosc.edu
Wed Jan 19 17:01:27 CST 2011

SSS participants,

You may come in to Johnston 111 to sign up for the university to which you
are transferring. (You must be actually transferring!)


Northeaster State University   April 12, 2011


Southeastern University            March 29, 2011


East Central University               April 6, 2011


Oklahoma State University       April 11, 2011        


Oklahoma University                   March 24, 2011


You must officially apply and be accepted to the university of choice to
attend these trips.  You may come by my office, Johnston 111, if you need
assistance.  Go online and check the scholarship deadlines.  Some are as
early as Feb. 1 and March 1.  You don't want to miss these opportunities.


June Haynes, Counselor




Don't forget our TRiO Day service project!  Look for our collection boxes
and the yellow banner with the info.

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