[Eoscstudents] Menu for TUESDAY July 5

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jul 5 09:04:39 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

I hope everyone had a great, long  Independence Day Weekend.  I enjoyed 
mine.  I was really glad we got some rain yesterday, at least in our 
neck of the woods.  My plants got a good watering, and my rain barrel is 
full again.  It cooled things off, at least temporarily also, and that 
was a very welcome relief.  Plants that I've been watering faithfully 
for weeks, that have done nothing but droop and look like they were 
dying, popped up and acted like they might live after all!  I guess they 
needed a little relief from the heat, too!  Water alone just wasn't enough.

According to my calendar, Upward Bound will finish up this week, with 
another successful summer camp under their belts.  That won't be the end 
of summer camps on campus though, as I show that Nursing Boost Camp and 
Church of Christ Singing School Camp are still to come before the summer 
is over.

Our menu for today includes:
          Dorito bake
          Mexican rice
          Pinto beans
          Baked potato bar
          Fresh squash
And for dessert, have a piece of luscious Lemon Cake.

Have a great day at Eastern,
Rhoda  :-)

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