[Eoscstudents] Menu for Tues. June 28

Rhoda Watkins rwatkins at eosc.edu
Tue Jun 28 08:51:41 CDT 2011

Hi folks,

According to the Weather Channel on my computer, it looks like today may 
not be as hot as yesterday, with temperatures only expected to go into 
the low 90's.  That's not exactly a cool front, but it is an 
improvement, and we've got a chance of rain to go along with it, so 
things are looking up today.  I went out to water my tomato plants 
yesterday evening, and as I walked up, it looked like a swarm of 
grasshoppers flew off of them.  Of course the stink bugs stick around 
until I knock them off.  I'm not using any pesticides on my plants, but 
I think I'm going to have to investigate some other options to help 
control all these hungry bugs!  They've definitely got me and my 
tomatoes outnumbered!

It's Day 2 of Mildred's vacation and so far so good.  She hasn't called 
us about anything, (if you don't count the message she left on my phone 
last Friday), and we haven't had to call her for anything.  (I'm hoping 
she caves first, because I do have some questions I need to ask her, but 
absolutely HATE to have to bother her when she's finally getting away 
from this place for a while.)

Our menu for today includes:
          Spaghetti and meat sauce
          Baked potato bar
          Green peas
          Corn on the cob
          Fried squash
          Hot rolls
And for dessert, choose your favorite flavor from among our Assorted Pies.

Keep cool,
Rhoda   8-)

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