[Eoscstudents] Informational Update

Joyce Bills jbills at eosc.edu
Mon Oct 15 13:22:53 CDT 2012


Our office is going live with OMES / Peoplesoft Interface for Human
Resources and Payroll effective Wednesday, October 24.    For the most part,
the changes affect our internal processing procedures.   


Changes to pay period and pay dates are as follows:  


Student Payroll -Off Cycle - Pay date 12th of month 


1)      Student payroll pay period will run from the 1st -31st of each

2)      Timesheets for the pay period October 12-31 will be sent out on
October 25.  

3)      From this point forward, student timesheets will be issued on the
25th of the month and due in the Payroll Office by 5:00 p.m. on the 1st of
the following month.  

4)      The defined pay date will be the 12th of the month.   Unless the
date falls on a holiday or weekend, the payroll will pay out on the first
business day prior to the 12th. 

5)      Example:   November 12, 2012 is Veterans Day the student payroll
will pay out on November 9.  



Adjunct / Overload-Off Cycle- Pay date 12th of month  


1)      Pay date will change from the 31st of the month to the 12th of the
following month.  

2)      Adjunct pay will pay on October 31st  for October pay period. 

3)      Effective November 1-31 pay period, the pay date will be December

4)      December 1 - 31 pay period, the pay date will be January 12. 



Main Payroll 

5)      Main payroll / Exempt Employees will still pay on the last working
day of the month.


Bi-Weekly Payrolls

6)      Bi-Weekly payrolls will not experience a change in the pay dates.  


Direct Deposits 


7)      If you would like to sign up for direct deposit or have changes to
your direct deposit information , please contact Gwen McDonald, Eastern
Payroll Office, Ext. 778 or gmcdonald at eosc.edu 

8)      As a note, Eastern employees (with the exception of students) are
required by the state to have their payroll monies direct deposited either
to their checking, savings, or pay card.   

9)      If Eastern is not your state primary employer any changes to your
direct deposit will need to be handled by your primary employer.    This
will pertain to employees that work for more than one state agency.   


During this time, we respectfully ask for your understanding if we are
unable to respond to a request as promptly as you would like.  We are in
hopes of having payrolls ran before Fall Break and meet the deadline(
Tuesday, Oct 23 at 3:00 p.m.)  of the state system conversion.   


Please post this information for reference.    If you have any questions
concerning this information, please let me know.  










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