[Okgrantsmanship] Graduate Student Survey of Sponsored Research Activities

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Sun Aug 22 17:58:38 CDT 2010

You may want to participate in this Masters' Degree research project. Note that you should respond to sschulz01 at my.macu.edu.



Linda Mason, Ed.D.

Coordinator for Grant Writing and External Funding

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104


lmason at osrhe.edu



From: Research Administration List [mailto:RESADM-L at hrinet.org] On Behalf Of Shelly Schulz
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 5:14 PM
To: RESADM-L at hrinet.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] Graduate Student Survey of Sponsored Research Activities


Please reply to sschulz01 at my.macu.edu with your responses.  


Thank you for your help with this survey!!


Graduate Student Survey

This is a graduate student survey for a Master's project.  Please help by completing this survey and returning by Friday ,September 10, 2010 to help complete a research project regarding sponsored research.  All information you provide will remain confidential.  Please place √ or X in selected box.


Regarding Sponsored Research Offices/University Research Svcs

Use a scale of 1 for Poor to 4 for Excellent                                                     1         2         3        4

Do you believe the morale of the sponsored research office affects the

value of research expenditures?

How would you rate you ability to access web tools with the sponsored

research office website?                                                                                 

How would you rate your sense of job satisfaction?                                       


How would you rate the morale of your sponsored research office?              


How would you rate your own morale with the sponsored research


How would you rate your overall level of satisfaction with the 

sponsored research office?                                                                             


Perception   At Your Institution.... Annual Research Expenditures    Increasing  

Perception   At Your Institution....Research Faculty Members          Increasing  


For Faculty Only:

Use a scale of 1 for Poor to 4 for Excellent                                                     1         2         3        4

Have you used the web tools offered on the sponsored research offices'


Have you increased your applications for grants and/or contracts this

fiscal year?                                                                                                    

How would you rate your own morale with the sponsored research


How would you rate your overall level of satisfaction with the 

sponsored research office?                                                                           


Demographic/Educational Information


Gender:            Male    


Highest Education Obtained:        High School  


NCURA Region           I    

When you are finished with the survey please return it to sschulz01 at my.macu.edu <mailto:sschulz01 at my.macu.edu> .

Thank you again for your assistance!

Shelly Schulz, graduate student

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