[Okgrantsmanship] Blue Waters Student Internship Program: applns due Fri March 21 2014

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Dec 4 09:42:06 CST 2013

Forwarding on behalf of Shodor, a national resource for computational science. Please send to the appropriate faculty members. 

Please respond directly to Shodor, and please feel free to forward to anyone who may be interested and appropriate.



Blue Waters Student Internship Program Now Accepting Applicants Applications due Fri March 21 2014 http://bluewaters.ncsa.illinois.edu/internships/


Durham, NC -- November 20, 2013

Shodor and NCSA announced this week at Supercomputing Conference
2013 the Blue Waters Student Internship Program.

Blue Waters Student Internship Program is actively seeking faculty and students to participate in year-long student internship opportunities.

Students in the program will gain experiences involving the application of high-performance computing to problems in science, mathematics or engineering.

The program provides a student stipend for undergraduate participants totaling $5000, and a two-week intensive Petascale Institute in 2014 along with travel to the Blue Waters Symposium
2015 for both undergraduate and graduate students.

This program provides support for internship activities at any accredited degree granting institution in the United States.

Faculty who would like to mentor an undergraduate student can post descriptions of available positions.

Positions can be intended for a particular applicant or opened to all qualified applicants.

Undergraduate students should submit an application for consideration.

Internship positions and applications can be submitted at:


Graduate students are welcome to apply to attend the Petascale Institute. They are responsible for arranging their own research advisor; any stipend would be the responsibility of the research advisor.

Applications can be submitted at:


Blue Waters, supported by NSF and the University of Illinois, is one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers and the fastest on a university campus.

Up to 1 percent of the computing capacity of Blue Waters is available for educational efforts aimed at preparing the next generation of students and teachers and an educated workforce.

The goal of the Blue Waters Student Internship Program and of the education allocation is to provide unique learning experiences for undergraduate and graduate students across a wide array of traditional and emerging disciplines.

In collaboration with Blue Waters, Shodor and the National Computational Science Institute will provide support and content for the internship program and Petascale Institute.

Shodor, a national resource for computational science education, is located in Durham, NC, and serves students and educators nationwide.

For More Information:




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