[Okgrantsmanship] REMINDER: Application Deadlines are approaching for two NEW spring 2014 CUR Institutes

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Jan 29 16:30:13 CST 2014

  Just a friendly reminder the deadlines for these two institutes are fast approaching


Broadening Participation (application deadline: January 31, 2014)

Integrating Research into the Curriculum (application deadline: February 7, 2014)

Both institutes will provide attendees with key strategies to address important and timely issues in undergraduate research expansion and student success.  Participants will leave an institute with action plans to apply in their own institutional settings. The curricula for both are designed and delivered by faculty and administrative experts thoroughly familiar with research-based theories and effective practices.

Broadening Participation<http://www.cur.org/conferences_and_events/institutes/broadening_participation_institute/>

Dates:  March 7-9, 2014

Place:  Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina

The Broadening Participation Institute is designed to help colleges and universities broaden participation in and increase access to STEM programs. The institute is intended for faculty and administrators to develop (or enhance) their knowledge, skills, and competencies in increasing access, fostering diversity, and creating an inclusive environment for students from underrepresented groups. An expressed goal of the institute is for participating institutions to develop an authentic program in support of broadening participation of students from underrepresented groups.

APPLICATION LINK<https://members.cur.org/members_online/submissions/substart.asp?action=welcome&cid=133>


Integrating Research into the Curriculum<http://www.cur.org/conferences_and_events/institutes/integrating_undergraduate_research_into_the_curriculum/>
Dates:  March 28-30, 2014
Place:  Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida

Undergraduate research has been recognized as an effective "high impact practice" in higher education.  The traditional apprenticeship model of undergraduate research, where one or a small number of students work closely with a faculty member is powerful, but it is often difficult to scale so that all students have the opportunity.  During this CUR Institute, individuals or teams will explore multiple ways to think about scaling the benefits of undergraduate research to a larger percentage of students by integrating research into the curriculum.

APPLICATION LINK<http://members.cur.org/members_online/utilities/emailct.asp?9ddca6450b0fb51bf792862222d70905c682c059>
Should you have any questions about either of these two institutes, please contact MeLisa Zackery at mzackery at cur.org<mailto:mzackery at cur.org>.

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