[Okgrantsmanship] Fwd: STEM Fellow Update - June part 3 - New Grant Ops

Mason, Linda lmason at osrhe.edu
Wed Jun 26 15:38:59 CDT 2019

A compelling set of grant opportunities!

Dr. Linda Mason
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Crews, Don" <Don.Crews at ed.gov<mailto:Don.Crews at ed.gov>>
Date: June 26, 2019 at 9:51:03 AM CDT
To: "lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>" <lmason at osrhe.edu<mailto:lmason at osrhe.edu>>
Cc: "Crews, Don" <Don.Crews at ed.gov<mailto:Don.Crews at ed.gov>>
Subject: FW: STEM Fellow Update - June part 3 - New Grant Ops

Greetings Dr. Mason,



Don Crews
Senior Grants Management Specialist and Program Officer
Office of Postsecondary Education
Strengthening Institutions Division

From: Curtis, Patti <Patti.Curtis at ed.gov<mailto:Patti.Curtis at ed.gov>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 10:20 AM
To: Settles, Justin <Justin.Settles at ed.gov<mailto:Justin.Settles at ed.gov>>; Crews, Don <Don.Crews at ed.gov<mailto:Don.Crews at ed.gov>>
Subject: FW: STEM Fellow Update - June part 3 - New Grant Ops

Greetings STEM Advocates
Please share with your colleagues.
Institute of Education Sciences Announces FY2020 Grant Opportunities<https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/06/19/2019-13041/applications-for-new-awards-education-research-and-special-education-research-grant-programs>
The Institute will conduct eight research competitions in FY 2020 through two of its centers:
The Institute's National Center for Education Research (NCER) will hold a total of five competitions—one competition in each of the following areas: Education research; education research training; education research and development centers; statistical and research methodology in education; and systematic replication in education.
The Institute's National Center for Special Education Research (NCSER) will hold a total of three competitions—one competition in each of the following areas: Special education research; special education research training, and systematic replication in special education.
Both NCER and NCSER have STEM grant categories and numerous others that can also address STEM education.
Most applications are due 8/29/19.  The education research and development centers applications are due 9/26/19.
Minority Science & Engineering Improvement Program Grant Opportunity<https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/06/19/2019-13008/applications-for-new-awards-minority-science-and-engineering-improvement-program-mseip>
The MSEIP is designed to effect long-range improvement in science and engineering education at predominantly minority institutions and to increase the flow of underrepresented ethnic minorities, particularly minority women, into scientific and technological careers.
There are four types of MSEIP grants: Institutional project, special project, cooperative project, and design project.
Institutional project grants are grants that support the implementation of a comprehensive science improvement plan, which may include any combination of activities for improving the preparation of minority students for careers in science.
There are two types of special project grants. First, there are special project grants for which only minority institutions are eligible. These special project grants support activities that: (1) Improve quality training in science and engineering at minority institutions; or (2) enhance the minority institutions' general scientific research capabilities. There also are special project grants for which all applicants are eligible. These special project grants support activities that: (1) Provide a needed service to a group of eligible minority institutions; or (2) provide in-service training for project directors, scientists, and engineers from eligible minority institutions.
Cooperative project grants assist groups of nonprofit accredited colleges and universities to work together to conduct a science improvement program.
Design project grants assist minority institutions that do not have their own appropriate resources or personnel to plan and develop long-range science improvement programs. We will not award design project grants in the FY 2019 competition.
Applications are due by 7/19/19.

Needed:  Research on Scalable OST STEM Programs
The Overdeck Family Foundation has released a call for Letters of Interest (see link here<https://overdeck.org/news-and-resources/article/call-for-letters-of-interest-out-of-school-stem-programs-deadline-7-17-19/>) from researchers to determine which out-of-school (OST) STEM programs are scaling and why.  Through our grantmaking, we have learned that it is easier to scale components of programs rather than whole models. We seek to uncover program components (e.g. setting, funding mechanism, activities, curriculum, staffing) that can be codified for scale, and are especially interested if program components have evidence of effectiveness. We define effective programs/interventions as those that meet Every Student Succeeds ACT (ESSA<https://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/essa/index.html>) Tier 1, 2,  3, or 4 for academic and non-academic outcomes. Deadline 7/17/19.

Patti Curtis
Robert Noyce/Ellen Lettvin STEM Education Fellow
Office of Program Evaluation & Policy Development
U.S. Department of Education

Disclaimer: The contents of this STEM ED Fellow Update was developed for the benefit of the reader and contains various informational resources. The U.S. Department of Education (Department) does not mandate or prescribe practices, models, or other activities in this Update. The contents of this Update may contain examples of, adaptations of, and links to resources created and maintained by another public or private organization. This information is provided as a convenience. The Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. The content of this Update does not necessarily represent the policy of the Department, nor does it reflect its importance. This publication is not intended to represent or be an endorsement by any Federal agency or department, or the U.S. Government of any views expressed, or materials provided, or links to information contained therein.

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