[Cobo] "Redbook" revisions

Siragusa, Debbie dsiragusa at osrhe.edu
Wed Mar 26 16:56:27 CST 2003

	We have been working on finalizing the revisions to the "Redbook".  Attached is the latest revised version with all changes marked (this would be changes made since the last version was emailed to you for the December COBO meeting).

	We have an agenda item on the April 3rd, State Regents' board meeting to "post" the updated version of the Redbook  (See attached).   This is the first step.  The changes will be finalized in the following month and approved in final form at the next State Regent's meeting in May. 

	Your assistance in reviewing the revised document would be greatly appreciated.  We have noted your review in the agenda item and do plan to take the revisions to the Presidents' Council before final approval is requested.

	Please send me any comments or suggestion.  You can send email messages, mark-up the document and fax me the changes, or just call.  We are still working on the appendix and  have some formatting and indexing to complete, so please excuse those areas.  

	Thanks Again.

	Debbie Siragusa
	Assistant Vice Chancellor for Budget & Finance
	655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
	Oklahoma City, OK  73104
	Tele: 405-225-9206  Fax: 405-225-9230

	 <<Sept02Draft-New2000Redbook-r6.doc>>  <<Redbookposting0403agd.DOC>> 

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